The 21-Day Ignatian Racial Equity Challenge

Sammie Smulyan '22, Editor-in-Chief

Over the course of this summer, the United States has been faced with the very serious issue of racial injustice. Becoming outraged with the murder of innocent black men, women and children, people have taken action to stand up against the corruptness within our country’s justice system. With the anniversary of the “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. coming up tomorrow, Brebeuf has decided to step in and stand against racial injustice by participating in the 21-Day Ignatian Racial Equity Challenge. This initiative will allow anyone to become more educated on the topic of racial equality and the steps our Brebeuf community as a whole can take to be more aware and stand up against injustice. Corey Pettigrew gave some insight on why he felt it was important for the Brebeuf community to be a leader during difficult and troublesome times, “ At a school like Brebeuf that is active in issues of social justice, we have to make sure we continue this push, this 21-day challenge is an opportunity to further challenge the students and faculty and staff to analyze these issue and most importantly not just talk about them, but confront them.” Our actions are powerful and to educate ourselves on heavy issues that plague our nation through this 21-day challenge students and faculty will be able to be a pushing force to enact change throughout our community. 


For more information on the initiative: