Note from the Editors: A Look Back on the Semester

The 2020-2021 school year brought plenty of changes to the way Brebeuf operates, and the Arrow was no exception. Early on in the semester, the Arrow made the decision to shift to a completely online publication format. This required extensive re-working of the way in which the class itself operates. The publication embraced our pre-existing website to publish bi-daily stories and polls. We also worked with Mike Higginbotham, Brebeuf’s Director of Marketing and Communications, to help publicize the Brebeuf Arrow website. Overall, we feel very happy about the accomplishments of the Brebeuf Arrow this semester and look forward to the future. Thank you to our incredible staff writers and editors! 


From your editors, 


Natanya Katz ’21

Jessie Singh ’21

Sammie Smulyan ’22