Love it or list it: delayed openings

Approaching the controversy surrounding the new late start schedule

maks Styazhkin/Unsplash

Student reaches to press snooze on their alarm clock.

Ella Miller ‘25, Staff Writer

The 2022-2023 school year brought many changes, including less Covid related protocols, a new freshman class, new teachers, and most controversially, a consistent delayed opening schedule.


The last few years we have had a delayed opening scheduled once almost every month. The main differences between last years and this year’s delayed openings is the amount of time and consistency. Last year, we had 2 hour delays once a month vs. this year’s 1 hour delay every Wednesday. 


When asked about the more consistent schedule, sophomore Alben Marco, likes the schedule because “we don’t have to guess when the next delayed opening is, it is just set on Wednesday.” 


Senior Maeve Perry responds, “it really messes with my routine. I am used to knowing what time class gets out and without the first PRT  I don’t have much time for homework or a Starbucks run with my friends.”


Junior Aidan Holtzapple describes it as beneficial because “it is in the middle of the week, and when Wednesday comes around, students’ brains are already tired and spent, making it the hardest day of the week.” 


Sophomore Tristan Villavicencio emphasizes that while it may be more regular, the delayed schedule causes time throughout the school day to be rushed more often than previous years.


Freshman Sydney Shaw says it only allows for 1 hour extra of sleep and  “I don’t like the schedule because I don’t like not having a first PRT.”


Although the new delayed opening has its drawbacks causing some disruptions to regular schedules, the consistency that it brings allows the majority to feel the weekly hour delay provides a sense of stability.