The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

Breaking News
  • AsiaFest takes place April 25
  • Day 4 delayed opening on April 24
  • Students take ACT, PreACT, ECA Bio on April 23
  • Passover begins evening of April 22
  • Senior Mentors meet 1st PRT April 22 in Chapel
  • Prebeuf: Middle school students visit school April 21
The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

A star is born in Indy: Caitlin Clark gets drafted to the Indiana Fever

AP Study Season: How Brebeuf Students Deal with Stress

May 17, 2024

As the school year ends and AP exams approach, many Brebeuf students grapple with increased levels of stress and anxiety. The pressure to perform well...

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Pre, during, post: The prom trifecta

Pre, during, post: The prom trifecta

May 16, 2024

Our definition of prom in 2024 is a lot different than that of 20 years ago; rather than just going to a dance in a school gym for 3 hours, prom now consists...

Freshmen Update


The freshmen are settling into Brebeuf and have already been a part of some great moments with even more things to look forward to. They have also shared some early successes and struggles. 

A few freshmen were asked about some of their favorite moments from this year. Chloe Wendowski ‘27 said, “My favorite moment so far was the first football game at Chatard.” Andrew Held ‘27 shared “I’ve had a lot of good moments with the tennis team.” Tony Tancredi ‘27 enjoyed: “When I won the John Shirley tennis invitational.”

Tony Tancredi ’27 and Vincent Shebuski ’27
Photo by: Maureen Tancredi

The freshmen also shared some things that have been going well so far. Chloe said she’s been, “meeting new people” and Andrew similarly said he’s “made new friends.” Tony shared that he has also “made new friends and my grades are actually good.”

There have still been some notable struggles. Chloe and Andrew both shared that they have been struggling with their more advanced classes like AP World History. Tony shared a little different struggle admitting that he has “struggled talking to girls.”

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There’s also a lot these freshmen can look forward to. Chloe said, “I’m excited for homecoming.” Andrew and Tony both said they are looking forward to Spirit Week. 

Hayden Bearden ’27 and Andrew Held ’27
Photo by: Maureen Tancredi ’25

Overall, the freshmen are settling into Brebeuf really well and we can’t wait to see how they progress throughout the year!


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    Andrew HeldSep 7, 2023 at 10:53 am

    Great article!