The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

Breaking News
  • AsiaFest takes place April 25
  • Day 4 delayed opening on April 24
  • Students take ACT, PreACT, ECA Bio on April 23
  • Passover begins evening of April 22
  • Senior Mentors meet 1st PRT April 22 in Chapel
  • Prebeuf: Middle school students visit school April 21
The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

A star is born in Indy: Caitlin Clark gets drafted to the Indiana Fever

AP Study Season: How Brebeuf Students Deal with Stress

May 17, 2024

As the school year ends and AP exams approach, many Brebeuf students grapple with increased levels of stress and anxiety. The pressure to perform well...

Brebeuf’s Track Team Sprints Toward Success

May 17, 2024

The Track season is unfolding with remarkable success! This year, there are many great runners who contribute to the team and are leading the team to ascendancy....

Pre, during, post: The prom trifecta

Pre, during, post: The prom trifecta

May 16, 2024

Our definition of prom in 2024 is a lot different than that of 20 years ago; rather than just going to a dance in a school gym for 3 hours, prom now consists...

Snoball Recap 2024

Elise Wagner ’25
Student at Industry enjoying Snoball

This year, Snowball was held at Industry in Downtown Indianapolis just two blocks away from Lucas Oil Stadium. With the past few Snowball dances being held at the Arts Garden in the heart of Downtown Indy, what did Brebeuf students think of this change?

The Arts Garden is a beautiful, contemporary event location with a beautiful scenic view, hosting many weddings, wedding receptions and school dances. Sadly, we could not use this location anymore due to safety concerns. Therefore we switched to Industry this year which hosts similar events but has a more rustic and modern feel to it.

Being his first Snowball, Jack Grimes ‘27 said, “I thought it was nice talking to people I didn’t know that well and a lot of people showed up.” On the contrary Grimes found it “hard to hear people talking” and thought it was “very crowded.” Many freshmen shared similar sentiments, saying they liked the dance experience but thought it was too crowded.

One of the biggest differences for students this year was a lack of food and a very long water line. When asked how students felt about the new location in comparison to the Arts Garden many said they preferred the Arts Garden location. After attending his third snowball, Anthony Suscha ‘27 said, “I liked the Arts Garden better because it was lighter and in a globe.” However, he went on to say that finding parking near Industry was a lot easier since it wasn’t in the middle of the city. 

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Being her second Snoball, Rose Williams ‘26 said she liked that Industry was “a new place and very open,” however, “it was a little crowded with not much room to wander around.” While Industry is one big room, the Arts Garden has two floors, creating a more open space for students to spread out. 

Josie Killian ‘24, similar to other senior reviews, stated she “liked the new location because it forced people closer together, making the dance more social.” Following the common trend, she also “wished there were more food and drink options.”

After many mixed reviews the general consensus seems inconclusive. While Industry may have been a more open space, not all students liked this and preferred the Artsgarden due to the unique architecture. Food and drink options were lackluster compared to previous years, but, if more food and drinks were available students may have liked Industry just as much. So, the question remains; which do students prefer, the Artsgarden or Industry?

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