Recently a new pho restaurant opened up and it has quickly become popular among people
living in the vicinity. This restaurant not only serves pho, but it also serves boba tea, lo mein, rib,
fried rice, and more. It also has vegetarian options, which can be helpful for many. Its website is
very organized and put together, so it can be easy to find what you are looking for.
Service and Food: ★★★★★
After visiting this restaurant, I can say that personally, I had a fantastic experience. The food was
fresh and authentic and it was filled with flavors that not many people can recreate. The service
is fantastic due to the considerate and hard-working workers.
Interior of the restaurant:★★★★★
When discussing the interior of the restaurant, I can say that it is very well put together. The
menu is right in the front of the restaurant and their logo shines everywhere you look. They have
an assortment of tables and booths that you can choose from as well as specific sauces and
Overall: ★★★★★
As a whole, I give this restaurant five stars. The food and service were excellent and the
restaurant was organized. They aid your every need, and the portions are large for a fair amount
of money. I can say that I definitely recommend this restaurant and if you try it, you won’t be