The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

Breaking News
  • AsiaFest takes place April 25
  • Day 4 delayed opening on April 24
  • Students take ACT, PreACT, ECA Bio on April 23
  • Passover begins evening of April 22
  • Senior Mentors meet 1st PRT April 22 in Chapel
  • Prebeuf: Middle school students visit school April 21
The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

A star is born in Indy: Caitlin Clark gets drafted to the Indiana Fever

AP Study Season: How Brebeuf Students Deal with Stress

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Pre, during, post: The prom trifecta

Pre, during, post: The prom trifecta

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The Rise of Intramural Basketball: A Slam Dunk Season

Sally Griswold ’25
Chainsaw Massacre competes during a PRT intramural game

Intramural basketball has taken off this semester! Intramural basketball has been a staple of Brebeuf PRTs. It offers students a chance to showcase their basketball skills and compete in a fun and inclusive environment while their friends cheer them on. However, this season, intramural basketball has taken off like never before, capturing the hearts and minds of Brebeuf’s students. 

One of the driving forces behind the success of this season’s intramural basketball program is the commitment of the organizers. Physical education director, Mr. Haynes, is the head of intramural basketball. 

Haynes provides an organized schedule of each team’s games. From well-organized leagues and tournaments to clear communication, every aspect of the program has been planned to ensure maximum enjoyment for all involved. 

Haynes explains, “I am the originator of what all current students know as Intramural Basketball. When I arrived in 1998, the Athletic Director at the time had the boys construct teams and he had a small tournament only during the second semester. I assumed control of the “league” and ran with it the following year. My inspiration is simple: I want young people to enjoy being active. I have a great affinity for all sports, but I love basketball the most. I love to play it, watch it, referee it, cheer for it…you name it. I also know that a lot of our students feel the same way about basketball, so I thought I would expand the league.” 

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Haynes also talks about how intramural girls basketball has developed: “About 20 years ago we had close to 8 girls teams for 1-2 years, but their interest waned a bit until these past couple of seasons.  The inclusion of a girls’ league really warms my heart!  We had 11 girls’ teams this season and that’s a record.”

Another contributing factor is the diverse range of participants. Players of all skill levels participate, including previous basketball players, athletes, or even people who just want to casually play. Everyone comes together to form teams and compete on the court. This diversity not only adds to the competitive spirit of the games but also creates a sense of community and belonging among participants. 

Jackson McCullough ‘25, team captain on Chainsaw Massacre, speaks about his intramural experience: “I’m always looking forward to our intramural games, I love coming together with my teammates to play my heart out and have some fun.”

The sense of  sportsmanship displayed by participants has also contributed to the success of intramural basketball this season. Whether celebrating victories or supporting each other through defeats, players have embraced the spirit of mutual respect and fair play, creating a welcoming and positive atmosphere on the court.

Beyond the fun of competition, intramural basketball has provided students with valuable opportunities for personal growth. Through leadership and perseverance, participants have not only shown their skills, but have built confidence and have created friendships that extend beyond the basketball court.

Looking ahead, the future of intramural basketball appears brighter than ever. Just this year we’ve had the most girls intramural teams in Brebeuf history. RBD’s captain Kailey Pucket speaks about her favorite part of girls intramural: “I like that we are just able to have fun no matter if we win or lose. We always support and hype up our teammates” 

With growing interest and participation, there is potential to enhance the program further as intramural offers even more opportunities for students to stay active, connect with their peers, and experience the joy of sports. 

This season intramural basketball has been nothing short of remarkable. It captured the imagination of students and their passion for sports. With the aspects of community, teamwork, and healthy competition, intramural basketball continues to thrive, enriching a great experience for all who participate.

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