The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

Breaking News
  • AsiaFest takes place April 25
  • Day 4 delayed opening on April 24
  • Students take ACT, PreACT, ECA Bio on April 23
  • Passover begins evening of April 22
  • Senior Mentors meet 1st PRT April 22 in Chapel
  • Prebeuf: Middle school students visit school April 21
The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

The official newspaper of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School.

Inside Prep

A star is born in Indy: Caitlin Clark gets drafted to the Indiana Fever

AP Study Season: How Brebeuf Students Deal with Stress

May 17, 2024

As the school year ends and AP exams approach, many Brebeuf students grapple with increased levels of stress and anxiety. The pressure to perform well...

Brebeuf’s Track Team Sprints Toward Success

May 17, 2024

The Track season is unfolding with remarkable success! This year, there are many great runners who contribute to the team and are leading the team to ascendancy....

Pre, during, post: The prom trifecta

Pre, during, post: The prom trifecta

May 16, 2024

Our definition of prom in 2024 is a lot different than that of 20 years ago; rather than just going to a dance in a school gym for 3 hours, prom now consists...

AP Study Season: How Brebeuf Students Deal with Stress

As the school year ends and AP exams approach, many Brebeuf students grapple with increased levels of stress and anxiety. The pressure to perform well on these college-level exams often leads to sleepless nights and a feeling of overwhelming pressure.

Despite the rigorous nature of these exams, many students have just begun studying. While some students prefer to start studying before spring break, others are just beginning their review. 

Landon Boccone ‘25 is taking four AP classes this year, meaning that he will also take four exams. Boccone’s study methods include going over notes from the year and completing many practice exams. His advice for future AP students is to use the AP Classroom resources, as they are the best indicator of what you need to further study.

Even from the perspective of a student not taking any AP exams, Scarlett Kuhl ‘26 describes the anxiety that she can see in many students’ schedules who are taking multiple AP classes. Kuhl will start studying for final exams in early May. While she is planning to take 3 AP classes next year, she wishes she took an AP class this year. She believes studying for AP exams is similar to studying for finals, with “looking over old assignments and focusing on harder topics” being the best way to prepare for both comprehensive tests.

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Many students, along with AP studying, are also committed to a time-consuming after-school activity like a spring sport. Attempting to handle the intense level of academic and other end-of-year stress that AP students have requires effective coping mechanisms. 

Some students may find solace in structured study routines, creating a scheduled study plan, or relying on base-level resources like AP Classroom. Meanwhile, others benefit from exercising, listening to music, going outside, and seeking support from peers, or teachers. Remembering to take a break and a deep breath can play a key role in managing anxiety levels during these taxing times, and can promote students’ mental well-being. It is also important to recall that one bad score does not define a student’s academic career.

Especially during this time, any extra moment spent on studying or self-care is time well-spent. Happy studying and good luck!

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